TUTORIAL.TXT for HUBBLE 1.15 0. Typical scenarios where HUBBLE can be used - Process, enhance, edit scanned images. - Prepare Image to make * Pamphlet * Transparecny * etc. - Incorporate to other desktop publishing software 1. USE OF TOOLSBOX:(GENERAL) A. GENERAL CONCEPT Users access to toolsbox by clicking on the appropriate icon. A set of will appear on the status line from which users can choose to perform or fine tune the operations. After users perform a task, such as enter text lines or make drawings, the program still allow users to make further adjustment. Commonly available feature are (resize and move), changing the foreground color, changing the background color, etc. Modifications made to the image are grouped in **logical units** of operation, such as a drawing, a line of text, or a group of pixels. Hence , , , etc. are applied to the whole unit of operation. Users can have many unit of operation (e.g. many geometric drawings) at the same time, and can change focus to different unit by using key of push button on the status line. NOTES: All change made by toolsbox are still not committed to the image (changes have to be committed to the image to become part of the image) until users click on the (write) or push button. Please refer to online help for detail. -- users can click on push button to end the operation. -- B. Notes on TOOLSBOX:(RECTANGLE) and TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching) B.1 Similarity and Difference TOOLSBOX:(RECTANGLE) allow users to define a rectangular area on the image and then users can either , , , or (push button). TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching) only allow users to do but allow users to select different shapes for the selected area. B.2 Current Limitation Some limitation for TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching) may restrict its use. Please read the file Newinfo.txt. B.3 function is also available thru [Edit-Menu]. C. Notes on TOOLSBOX:(RECTANGLE) and [Edit Menu]-[Trim Image] Trim image is an alternate implementation of in TOOLSBOX:(RECTANGLE). However, its using keyboard to defined the selected rectangle. D. Current Limitation Please read the file Newinfo.txt. 2. USE OF TOOLSBOX:(PENCIL) and TOOLSBOX:(DRAWING) A. Basic Differences (Brush Style and Line Style) TOOLSBOX:(PENCIL) is a pixel editing tools, while TOOLSBOX:(DRAWING) is a line drawing tools. Hence, shape and size of pixel using TOOLSBOX:(PENCIL) are controlled by brush style (from Option menu), and shape and size of drawing using TOOLSBOX:(DRAWING) are controlled by line style (also from Option menu). B. Logical Unit of Operation. A geometric drawing is considered a unit of operation. For freehand drawing (either from TOOLSBOX:(PENCIL) or TOOLSBOX:(DRAWING)), all drawing entered from initial drawing until users push the [RETURN] key are considered a logical unit. Users can modify a drawing unit by clicking on the button, then drag mouse on the image to move or resize the drawings. For freehand drawing, users can modify the pixel boundary after a group is formed by pushing the [SPACE BAR], and push [RETURN] to complete the operation. 3. USE OF TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching) 3.1 A Typical scenarios and steps of using TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching) a.) Support we want to change text on HUBBLE.BMP from "version 1.08" to "version 1.14" b.) Open HUBBLE.BMP, adjust display window to portion the image, e.g. maximize the window. c.) Click on TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching) icon. d.) Click on on the status line. e.) Draw a rectangle on the right of "version 1.08" to select an area. f.) Click on on the status line to adjust the selected rectangle. g.) Click on on the status line to move the selected area to the left until it cover text "1.08" as follow: g.1) Move mouse cursor over the selected area. (mouse cursor will change to hand shape cursor. g.2) Drag mouse to the left (move mouse while left button is down) until the selected area cover text "1.08". g.3) Click on on the status line. Now, text "1.08" will be replaced with background image. h.) Click on on the status line to exit TOOLSBOX:(Image Patching). i.) Click on TOOLSBOX:TEXT icon. j.) Enter "1.14" at the location which previously display text "1.08". k.) Click on on the status line to show image background. l.) Click on on the status line to adjust the location and size of the text entered. m.) Push [RETURN] after finish adjust text entered in l.) n.) Click on on the status line. o.) Click on on the status line to exit TOOLSBOX:TEXT. 3.2 4. GRAYSCALE/COLOR CONVERSION, -VS- CUSTOM COLOR CONVERSION AND DITHERING 4.1 GRAYSCALE CONVERSION Are used to change image to color format with higher number of grayscale levels and/or convert color image to grayscale image by averaging intensity of all color components using a pre-specified formular. 4.2 GRAYSCALE/COLOR CONVERSION Are used to change image to color format with higher number of colors. 4.3 CUSTOM COLOR CONVERSION AND DITHERING Are used to convert the color format of an image to a different/new set of color palette with the same or reduced number of colors. Without dithering, the conversion is carried out using nearest color matching method. With dithering, a wide range of methods are available (depending on useres preferences and suitability to specific needs) to approximate the original image and give users the illusion that the image has more colors than those availble from the color palette used. 5. CUSTOM COLOR CONVERSION AND DITHERING 5.1 Display Update To get updated display on source or target image on "Custom Conversion" dialog box, click on the respective image display areas. 5.2 A Typical steps of using Custom Color Conversion a.) Open an image file from File Menu. b.) Select Custom Color Conversion and Dithering from Transform Menu. c.) Select dithering technique such as "Error Diffusion" from the "Dithering Method" listbox. (Other dithering techniques may have more restriction on palette which can be selected). d.) Select "Color" from Target Quality and choose number of color such as 256 or 16 colors. e.) Click on "Build Palette >>" to make palette selection. f.) Click on "Disable Dithering" check box to match the target image with source image without using dithering technique. (This step is advised to be done last and is recommended if the target image is to be used for further editing such as area fill operation) g.) Click on "TEST" or "OK" button. ***5.3 Scenarios where Custom Color Conversion and Dithering can be used a.) When users want to merge two images or stitch one image over another but can not be done because the two image are not compatible either because they have different number of color or using different set of color palette. e.g. imageA has 256-colors and imageB is a true-color image. imageA = IBM$4A.BMP, imageB=IBM$4B.BMP a1.) open imageA a2.) Paste the image (imageA) to clipboard. (to make palette of imageA available thru clipboard) a3.) Open imageB. a4.) Select Custom Color Conversion and Dithering from Transform Menu. a5.) Select dithering technique such as "Error Diffusion" from the "Dithering Method" listbox. (Other dithering techniques may have more restriction on palette which can be selected). a6.) Select "Color" from Target Quality and choose 256-color. a7.) Click on "Build Palette >>" to make palette selection. a8.) Select "Clipboard Palette" the click on "OK". a9.) Click on "Disable Dithering" check box to match the target image with source image without using dithering technique. (This step is advised to be done last and is recommended if the target image is to be used for further editing such as area fill operation) a10.) Click on "OK" button. ==> the resulting image can be used to merge or stitch with imageA. 5.4 NOTES a.) Sometime it's better disabled dithering Technique for some kind of subsequent processing. b.) At the build palette menu, there is a checkbox to limit palette selection. c.) If after the palette is built, button may still be disabled, this is because the selected dithering method is not compatible with current selected palette. Choose other dithering method from the listbox or change to other set of palette. (users may also have to uncheck the "Disable Dithering" checkbox to enable the dithering method listbox) (** A somewhat intertwined selections to make everything compatible **) 6. HOW MAKE IMAGE COMPATIBLE 6.1 If the image is from clipboard, paste the image from clipboard. 6.2 suppose IMAGEa is the image with desired palette, and we want to convert IMAGEb to be compatible (for mergeing and stitching) with IMAGEa. 6.3 Copy IMAGEa to clipboard to make the palette available. 6.4 Use GRAYSCALE/COLOR CONVERSION (usually COLOR CONVERSION) to convert IMAGEb to have the same (or even higher) number of colors than IMAGEa. 6.5 Use CUSTOM COLOR CONVERSION AND DITHERING and using the palette from clipboard (copied from step 6.3). 6.6 Disable dithering. 6.7 Complete the CUSTOM COLOR CONVERSION AND DITHERING process. 6.8 Also see --> (4). GRAYSCALE/COLOR CONVERSION, -VS- CUSTOM COLOR CONVERSION AND DITHERING (5). CUSTOM COLOR CONVERSION AND DITHERING 7. Stitch Image From Clipboard If the clipboard image is not compatible to the base image (current image which users want to have clipboard image stitch on). 7.1 Convert clipboard image to become compatible Users should "Paste Image (Edit menu)" to a window first, then "Copy base image to clipboard" (To make base image's palette available). Next, users should use "CUSTOM CONVERSION and DITHERING" to convert make the newly pasted image by using palette from clipboard as its new palette. The method is explained in TUTORIAL.TXT, HUBBLE.DOC, and HUBBLE online help. 7.2 Convert base image to become compatible with clipboard image Users should "Paste Image (Edit menu)" to a window first, then use "CUSTOM CONVERSION and DITHERING" to convert base image to have palette compatible with the clipboard image. Users then use this newly converted image as the base image to "Stitch Image From Clipboard". See TUTORIAL.TXT, HUBBLE.DOC, and HUBBLE online help on "CUSTOM CONVERSION and DITHERING" . 7. GENERAL NOTES A. By default, A window will be display, and may be used as a place for performing various house-keeping chores and for setting up global variables, etc. 8. HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM A. Help will always be available by pressing the F1 key. ********* B. If your scanner manufacturer do not supply TWAIN compatible driver, you can use your scanner software to acquire image, save it in BMP, PCX, or TIFF formats. Then use HUBBLE for further processing. C. Use key to delete current item of drawing, area fill, modification, etc. in TOOLSBOX.